When colors meet beauty
I called it "Autumn witch" because it cast a spell on me
All the people are the same. Beautiful, yet thinking less about themselves.

autumn witch

autumn witch

Autumn witch
The eyes
The smile
The attitude
The eyes
They are indeed the windows to our soul.
They express all feelings flowing inside and I always love to look into people’s eyes. Sometimes there is a spark, sometimes they tell a whole story.
The smile
I love smiles
Shy, bold, sexy, provocative, silly, the smile is a statement. It’s common language, it’s catchy.
The attitude
“But I don’t look good in pictures”
Given enough time, the attitude changes from shy and reluctant to “why the hell not”, trusting, daring, comfortable, and self-loving.
Photographs don’t hurt. They are just the way I see people. And I see them beautiful.